

A midnight blog! This is rare. I usually only write during early hours of the morning when I cannot sleep. Also, today is Friday; most of my posts occur as a result of stress during the week. Anyway, there are a couple things I'd like to talk about, but I guess I'll split them up.

Actually my thoughts are very scattered right now. I just wanted to write something.

My thoughts are circular and random. Much like spinning the dials on a combination lock, I must pluck my thoughts out at a certain moment in order for them to make sense. I wish they were divided into individual rings, but unfortunately they make up a large chaotic sphere. But of course in the end, the outcome is likely to only make sense to me. Please, if you are reading this, make an effort to prove me wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Smoke a doobie...slows the spinning thoughts down real nice!



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