
Frames per Second, Blinks per Lifetime

Frames per second, one typical measure of a video capturing device. The more, the better. Video is simply a bunch of sequential pictures (frames) displayed very quickly back to back. The more frames per second you display, the more seamless the video is. 

Here's a simple animation I created in 2005. It's a style called 'stop-motion'.


This video probably has an average framerate of 6 or so frames per second. It's 30 seconds long, which means this video is comprised of approximately 182 individual photos. I bent the paper clip, took a picture, bent it again, took another picture and so on. As you can tell it's pretty choppy. If I took more photos between each bend of the paperclip, the video would be much smoother. If you've ever seen films from Tim Burton like The Nightmare Before Christmas or Corpse Bride, this is exactly the kind of animation he uses. It's an insane amount of work! In any case..

Lately, my life seems to have been speeding up. It also feels like experiencing less frames per second. I seem to be jumping from one point in my life to the next in the blink of an eye. I feel like I'm missing out on so many moments in between. It's almost as if my body's 'camera' for capturing life has degraded over time as I've gotten older, giving me less frames per second. 

But, is it really age related? Maybe it has something to do with being busy with work and graduate school. Perhaps when I have more free time I won't feel like this. It may also have something to do with constant distractions like social media and smartphone addiction. We pick up our smartphones an unhealthy number of times per day. Checking text messages, social media notifications, refreshing Twitter or Reddit to get that quick shot of dopamine. Before we know it, the day is over. Huge blocks of time disappear. Was it time well spent? Likely not. 

I need to take control of my life's camera. I need to capture all the precious moments that I have. Not only capture those moments, but fill them with meaning. I can't let them just pass by without much notice. I need to create a story. Add color, excitement. Or, simply enjoy the moment, perhaps in form of meditation. Most importantly I need to be there, engaged, living in those moments. I don't want to be distracted by things that ultimately don't matter. 

The other day I caught myself in one of those distracted states that may cause your life to fast-forward. I snapped out of what felt like hypnosis, jumped out of my chair and bolted out of my door and headed up to the roof and spend the next 20 minutes there to observe the city around me, witness the sunset, and snap a few photos while I was there. Afterward, I felt more at peace. More alive. More conscious. 

Appreciate and take advantage of all of moments you have! Grab hold and take control. Take yourself in a different direction. Go for a walk! Go a different route than usual. Go sit on a bench of you've never sit on before. Walk down a street you've never been down. This is a pretty common practice to increase your mental health. Just wander aimlessly:

A similar term for the same technique is flaneuring. Flaneur: an idle man around town. Another is forest bathing.

Another problem I think we have nowadays is technology-induced attention deficit. We can't focus. When we're awake, we go from one topic to the next. Our eyes are constantly looking around, never really focusing on anything for more than a few seconds. Rapid eye movement or REM is what occurs during our deep sleep. REM is good during sleep, but when we're awake we need to make sure to control and slow down our eye's movement. 

There are many methods and techniques to control our focus and mental health and awareness, which include many forms of meditation. What I like to do sometimes is to shut all the lights off and light a candle. All I do is focus on the flickering flame. That's all that matters for the time being. Lose yourself in the flame. Let your mind go blank. Breath deeply. Don't look away. Blink slowly. This might be boring at first, but keep at it and until you feel calm. Life's distractions will try to pull you away. Don't let them. Focus on what matters, which right now is this small manifestation of light energy dancing in the air.


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